ensemble.handler.vissim package


ensemble.handler.vissim.configurator module

This module contains a Configurator object for Vissim. The configurator is an object that stores parameters that can be relevant to make the evolution of a simulation.

class ensemble.handler.vissim.configurator.VissimConfigurator(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: ensemble.tools.connector_configurator.ConnectorConfigurator

Configurator class for containing specific simulator parameters for Vissim


To use the Simulator declare in a string the path to the simulator

>>> path = "path/to/simluator.so"
>>> simulator = VissimConfigurator(library_path = path)

library_path (str) – Absolute path towards the simulator library


Configurator object with simulation parameters

Return type

configurator (Configurator)

library_path: str = 'libSymuFlow.so'

ensemble.handler.vissim.connector module

This module contains objects for modeling a simplified connector to handle vissim

class ensemble.handler.vissim.connector.VissimConnector(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: ensemble.metaclass.connector.AbsConnector, ensemble.handler.vissim.configurator.VissimConfigurator

This models a connector and interactions from the API with the Vissim library.


EnsembleAPILoadLibraryError – Raises error when library cannot be loaded

property do_next: bool

Returns true if the simulation shold continue

get_simulation_steps() range[source]

Gets the list of simulation steps starting from 0 to end of simulation in step of simulation resolution

property get_vehicle_data

Returns the query received from the simulator


Request from the simulator

Return type



checks existance and load scenario . Also get simulation parameters

load_simulator() None[source]

load Vissim COM interface

performConnect() None[source]

Perform simulation connection

performInitialize(scenario: ensemble.handler.vissim.scenario.VissimScenario) None[source]

Perform simulation initialization

performPreRoutine() None[source]

Perform simulator preroutine

performQuery() None[source]

Perform simulator Query


Pushes data back to the simulator

query_data() int[source]

Run simulation step by step


iteration step

Return type

int To test query, you can use click.echo(self.get_vehicle_data()) after request_answer()

register_simulation(scenarioPath: str) None[source]

Register simulation file within the simulator


scenarioPath (str) – Path to scenario


Request simulator answer and maps the data locally


Run simulation next step



Return type


property scenariofilename

Scenario filenamme


Absolute path towards the XML input for SymuVia

Return type

filname (str)

property simulation_step

Current simulation iteration

property simulationstep: float

Current simulation step

ensemble.handler.vissim.scenario module

Scenario Module

This module contains descriptions that establish a traffic scenario. A traffic scenario for Vissim is regularly described by a an network files(.inpx) and a layoutfile(.layx).

class ensemble.handler.vissim.scenario.VissimScenario(*args)[source]

Bases: ensemble.input.scenario.Scenario

Scenario class for Vissim

classmethod create_input(*args)[source]

Looks for indicated vissim scenario paths and performs validation create the scenario

property filename

Vissim property shortcut

property filename_layx

Vissim property shortcut

ensemble.handler.vissim.stream module

Vissim Stream

This module is able to receive the stream of data comming from the Vissim platform and define a parser for a specific vehicle data suitable to perform platooning activities.

class ensemble.handler.vissim.stream.SimulatorRequest(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: ensemble.metaclass.stream.DataQuery


Creates a vehicle registry for all vehicles in simulation

property current_nbveh: int

Number of vehicles in the network

property current_time: float

Current simulation second

get_vehicle_data() list[source]

Extracts vehicles information from simulators response


response (list) – List of list with parameters


List of dictionaries

Return type

listdict (list)

is_vehicle_driven(vehid: int) bool[source]

Returns true if the vehicle state is exposed to a driven state


vehid (str) – vehicle id


True if veh is driven

Return type

driven (bool)

property query

String response from the simulator

static transform(veh_data: dict)[source]

Transform vehicle data from string format to coherent format


veh_data (dict) – vehicle data as received from simulator


vehicle data with correct formatting

Return type

t_veh_data (dict)


As an example, for an input of the following style:

>>> v = {"CoordFrontX":421.31564190349957

“Acceleration”:-0.0 “Pos”:16.25355208592856 “No”:1, “CoordFrontY”:-979.2497097242955 “LaneLinkNo”:6, “VehType”:’630’, “Speed”:83.93049031871615, “LaneIndex”:1,


>>> tv = SimulatorRequest.transform(v)
>>> # Transforms into
>>> tv == {
>>>     "abscissa": 421.31564190349957,
>>>     "acceleration": -0.0,
>>>     "distance": 16.25355208592856,
>>>     "driven": False,
>>>     "elevation": 0.0,
>>>     "lane": 1,
>>>     "link": "6",
>>>     "ordinate": -979.2497097242955,
>>>     "speed": 23.314025088532265,
>>>     "vehid": 0,
>>>     "vehtype": "630",
>>> },

Updates vehicle registry in case it exists

Module contents