ensemble.control.tactical package


ensemble.control.tactical.gapcordinator module

Platoon Gap Coordinator

This module details the implementation of the Front Gap and Rear Gap Coordinators existing in each one of the vehicles created when running a platoon. The coordinators have access to a centralized information center called Data Query to retrieve information in the vecinity of the vehicle.

class ensemble.control.tactical.gapcordinator.GlobalGapCoordinator(vehicle_registry: ensemble.component.vehiclelist.VehicleList)[source]

Bases: ensemble.logic.subscriber.Subscriber

add_gapcoordinator(vgc: ensemble.control.tactical.vehcoordinator.VehGapCoordinator)[source]

Adds a single gap coordinator to the list


Add all gap coordinators w.r.t publisher

apply_cacc(time: float)[source]

This method intends to apply the cacc over all vehicles within the platoon at specific time step

property cacc

Returns the operational controller object


Create all platoons subsets

Iteratorator by link ordered from largest ttd towards smaller

  • downtoup (bool, optional) – Downstream to upstream. Defaults to True.

  • group (bool, optional) – Returns without grouping per platoon. Defaults to False.


vgc (VehicleGapCoordinator) – Vehicle gap coordinator or iterable.

property nplatoons: int

Return the number of created platoons

pandas_print(columns: Iterable = []) pandas.core.frame.DataFrame[source]

Transforms vehicle list into a pandas for rendering purposes


Returns a table with pandas data.

Return type

df (DataFrame)

pretty_print(columns: list = []) str[source]

Summary of info

release_gapcoordinator(vgc: ensemble.control.tactical.vehcoordinator.VehGapCoordinator)[source]

Releases a single gap coordinator from the node list


Releases all gap coordinators w.r.t publihser


Follower method to add/release vehicle gapcoordinator

update_leader(vgc: ensemble.control.tactical.vehcoordinator.VehGapCoordinator)[source]

Add or creates leader for a specific gap coordinator


Updates leaders for all gap coordinators


First iteration to fill the platoon registry based on the current vehicle information.


Update platoon state according to current information


Existing vehicle gap coordinators

ensemble.control.tactical.vehcoordinator module

Vehicle Gap Coordinator

This module details the implementation of the Front Gap and Rear Gap Coordinators existing in each one of the vehicles created when running a platoon. The coordinators have access to a centralized information center called Data Query to retrieve information in the vecinity of the vehicle.

class ensemble.control.tactical.vehcoordinator.VehGapCoordinator(vehicle: ensemble.component.platoon_vehicle.PlatoonVehicle)[source]

Bases: ensemble.metaclass.coordinator.AbsSingleGapCoord

property acceleration


cancel_join_request(value: bool = False)[source]

Forces ego to abandon platoon mode

comv2x: bool = True

Confirms ego platoon mode

property control

Ego current control

property dv

Ego current differential speed

property dx

Ego current headway space

dx_ref: float = 30
property ego_data

Operational leader control data

evolve_control(control: ensemble.metaclass.controller.AbsController, time: float, time_step: float = 0.1)[source]

Considers a one chunk of step evolution of the operational control layer


control (AbsController) – Operational controller

property follower

Returns the follower vehicle in the platoon


Retrieves current time data for the operational layer

property history_control

Historical control

property history_reference

Historical control

property history_state

Historical status


Initializes the reference class for the gap coordinator. In particular the initial conditions should be already computed.

property intruder

Returns true when the vehtype of my immediate leader is not platoon

property is_head

Determines if the vehicle is head of the platoon

property is_tail

Determines if the vehicle is tail of the platoon

property joinable

Checks if a vehicle is joinable

property last_control
property last_reference
property last_state
property leader: ensemble.metaclass.coordinator.AbsSingleGapCoord

Returns the leader vehicle in the platoon

property leader_data

Operational leader control data

platoon: bool = False
platoonid: int = 0
property positionid

Platoon id 0-index notation to denote position on the platoon

property reference
solve_state() Union[ensemble.logic.platoon_states.StandAlone, ensemble.logic.platoon_states.Platooning, ensemble.logic.platoon_states.Joining, ensemble.logic.platoon_states.Splitting][source]

Logic solver for the platoon state machine.

property speed


status: Union[ensemble.logic.platoon_states.StandAlone, ensemble.logic.platoon_states.Platooning, ensemble.logic.platoon_states.Joining, ensemble.logic.platoon_states.Splitting] = StandAlone()
property ttd

Total travel time

property vehid

Vehicle positions

property x

Ego current position in link

Module contents